


         复旦大学附属金山医院地处上海市西南、东海之滨是一所专业科室设置齐全、医疗设备先进,集医疗、教学、科研、预防为一体的三级综合性医院。中心实验室是集科学研究、项目开发和研究生培养于一体的多功能研究中心。中心实验室主任许国雄博士是复旦大学肿瘤学系博士研究生导师、复旦大学本科生Molecular Biology of Cancer课程负责人、美国癌症研究学会会员从事细胞和分子生物学研究廿多年,在卵巢肿瘤、乳腺肿瘤的发生发展、细胞凋亡、TGF-β信号转导通路方面拥有一定的研究成果。目前承担中国国家自然科学基金、上海市科学技术委员会、上海市卫生局等科研项目。Oncology ReportsJournal of Neurocardiovascular DiseasesAmerican Journal of Biomedical Research等杂志的编委。


1.  肿瘤发生、发展、侵袭、转移、复发,肿瘤干细胞、动物模型,微血管形成、化疗抵抗;

2.  肿瘤相关分子标志物的发现及其临床应用;

3.  TGF-β信号转导通路与肿瘤的关联作用。


1.   品学兼优,性格开朗,身体健康,吃苦耐劳,勤奋踏实,工作积极,责任心强,并具有良好的团队合作意识和敬业精神

2.   熟练掌握生物化学、分子生物学、信号转导通路等各种技术和实验技能;

3.   具有扎实的基础医学、生物医学或药物研发、生物信息学及相关专业知识优先考虑;

4.   清晰的思路、良好的表达及沟通能力,有能力申报中国和上海市博士后科研基金,能独立开展科研工作;

5.    具有一定的英文阅读和写作能力,发表过相关领域的英文论文。





1.        应聘者求职信;

2.        本人简历(包括学习、工作和研究经历,发表论文目录,获奖情况,至少二位推荐人的姓名及联系方式,推荐信暂不需要,但以后可能被要求提供);

3.        博士毕业的证明材料扫描件;

4.        博士论文、代表论文或SCI论文电子版或扫描件;

5.        研究计划。







Postdoctoral Position in Oncology

Founded in 1975, Jinshan Hospital of Fudan University, a tertiary hospital boasting a full range of departments and state-of-the-art facilities, is located in the new town of Jinshan District of Shanghai City, near the beautiful Jinshan City Beach on the coast of the Hangzhou Bay. The Center Laboratory at Jinshan Hospital is a multi-functional center dedicated as a research platform for scientific research, project development, and graduates training.


Location: Jinshan District, Shanghai 201508, China

Discipline: Have a PhD/MD degree in Life Sciences, Cancer Research, Cell Biology etc

Job Type: Post-doctoral Fellow in Oncology

Position Type: Full time temporary employment

Salary: Individually based on national rule and Fudan University’s standard

Duration: Fixed term post for 24 months

Closing date: Available until filled



To qualify for the position of postdoc, you are a highly motivated person and must have a doctoral degree in life sciences, cell biology, biochemistry, medicine, or related subject, and have a demonstrated interest in cancer biology, biomarkers, gene regulation, and protein interaction, etc. Knowledge of molecular biology and signaling pathwaya is highly desirable. Applicants with practical experience in bioinformatics are encouraged to apply. The applicant should ideally have experience in handing experiments and grant writing. The project is focused on ovarian and/or breast tumorigenesis, early detection of biomarkers, and the role of TGF-beta signaling in cancer biology.


Application Procedure

Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact Guoxiong Xu, MD, PhD, Scientist/Director of Center Laboratory on +86-21-34189990-5277 or email: guoxiong.xu@fudan.edu.cn


An Equal Opportunities Employer

